TANGLED is a choreographic duet created by Anastasia Evsigneeva with artistic input by Anna Protsiou.
Photo by:
Robert Wilson
“Exploring tensions, connectivity, and lead and follow through the tactile interconnection
of conjoined heads of hair TANGLED highlights both abiding and destructive relationships.
Through distance and proximity, the dancers shift between roles of horse and rider to mother
and child, between lovers, friends, sisters, and beings sharing space and time.” - Robin Poitras.
Anastasia and Anna have been colleagues and close friends since 2015 when they met through the Professional Program at the School of Contemporary Dancers. Going through ups and downs they have built a strong bond over the years. Lots of travelling and working with different choreographers and artists including Roberto Mosqueda and Ilse Torres (Mexico),and Robin Poitras (Regina, Canada) intensely inspired Anastasia.
Photo by:
Robert Wilson
Photographer Robert Wilson who has done many photoshoots with both Anna and Anastasia,
later was invited to take the pictures for the TANGLED project. In the summer of 2019 Anastasia
went on a road trip to Whitemouth Falls with her friend Robert where he expressed an idea
of comically having hair tied together for a photo shoot. Along the road there was a big
old forest with a huge network of roots grown in together as one organism. All of the above
contributed to the idea of making the choreographic work TANGLED later in the summer.
The combination of personal life, artistic practice and several images had finally formed
a vision for TANGLED. Later on the idea of the project developed into making a short
dance film. The work has been realized both as a live performance and as a film.
The work was first performed live at the Art Outloud Festival in Regina in June 2021,
although the short film will be premiered at
Moving Roots: Reflections
. The remix of TANGLED called Re-Tangled got support from
Canada Council for the Arts and was created by Robin Poitras and Edward Poitras.
The work will be presented in the debut show by Moving Roots.